Our professional Melbourne wedding photography and Melbourne wedding videography teams had the privilege of capturing Nardine and Kieran’s wedding at Leonda by the Yarra. The wedding day started with the traditional preparations of the Bride, which involved plenty of laughter, nerves and glamour. Our Melbourne wedding photographer and wedding videographer then captured the intimate wedding ceremony, followed by the wedding photography location shoot onsite at Leonda by the Yarra and St Kilda Army Barracks with plenty of natural and candid wedding photography throughout the entire shoot. At the conclusion of the wedding photography location shoot, our team headed to the wedding reception to prepare for an amazing wedding reception ahead. Our professional Melbourne wedding photography and Melbourne wedding videography teams concluded late into the night which was the perfect way to end such a sensational wedding. Thank you Nardine and Kieran for choosing ATEIA Photography & Video to capture your wedding photography.
Wedding Photography: ATEIA Photography & Video
Wedding Videography: ATEIA Photography & Video
Wedding Reception: Leonda by the Yarra