Our professional Melbourne wedding photography team had a typical Melbourne day for wedding photography in Melbourne for our gorgeous Bride and Groom, Marian and Aiden. The wedding day started with the preparation shots of the Bride and Groom with their closest friends, which was full of laughter, happiness and nerves. After the wedding photography preparation shoot, our professional Melbourne wedding photography team headed to the wedding ceremony at Immaculate Conception Church for an intimate wedding ceremony. At the conclusion of the wedding ceremony, our Melbourne wedding photography team commenced the wedding photography location shoot onsite which was artistic, natural and candid with plenty of natural light wedding photography. After the wedding photography location shoot, our team then headed into the city for more wedding photography at Chanel and Federation Square followed by the beautiful wedding reception. Our Melbourne wedding photography team then captured wedding reception and we concluded late into the night after plenty of dancing and entertaining. Thank you Marian and Aiden for selecting ATEIA Photography & Video to capture your wedding day – It was such a pleasure for our Melbourne wedding photography team.
Wedding Photography: ATEIA Photography & Video
Wedding Videography: ATEIA Photography & Video
Wedding Reception: Vogue Ballroom