Our professional Melbourne wedding photography and Melbourne wedding videography teams had the privilege of providing wedding photography for Ashley and Nicholas’ wedding at Brighton Savoy in Melbourne. The wedding day started with the traditional preparation photographs of the Groom, which involved plenty of laughter, nerves and candid and artistic wedding photography. After the preparations in the morning, our professional Melbourne wedding photography team then headed to the intimate wedding ceremony in front of the couple’s closest family and friends. At the conclusion of the beautiful wedding ceremony, our professional Melbourne wedding photography team organized the wedding photography location shoot at Anzac House which was candid, creative and artistic and it was an absolute treat for our wedding photography team to capture it all. After the wedding photography location shoot, our professional wedding photography team then headed to Brighton Savoy in Melbourne to charge our gear for an unstoppable wedding reception ahead. The wedding reception was full of laughter, dancing and plenty of entertainment and our wedding photography team concluded late into the night. Thank you Ashley and Nicholas for choosing ATEIA Photography & Video for your wedding photography.
Wedding Photography: ATEIA Photography & Video
Wedding Videography: ATEIA Photography & Video
Wedding Reception: Brighton Savoy in Melbourne