Cassandra and Michael
Our St Kilda wedding photography and St Kilda wedding videography teams had the honour of capturing this gorgeous wedding at Melbourne’s Deck at Circa. Our gorgeous Bride and Groom, Cassandra and Michael, started the wedding day with the traditional preparation videography and photography at each of their locations with plenty of laughter and nerves. Our St Kilda wedding photography team captured plenty of portraiture of our Bride in her gorgeous gown, and the approach our experienced wedding photography team had all day was to capture natural and candid moments.
Cassandra and Michael
After the preparation shots, our St Kilda wedding photography and St Kilda wedding videography teams then headed to the wedding ceremony at St Mary’s Church in St Kilda East. After the beautiful wedding ceremony, our experienced St Kilda wedding photography and St Kilda wedding videography teams guided the beautiful couple around Luna Park for a natural and candid wedding photography location shoot. The wedding photography location shoot was full of laughter, excitement and plenty fun. After our wedding photography location shoot around Luna Park and some artistic wedding photography during twilight on the pedestrian footbridge, we then headed to the wedding reception at The Deck at Circa. The wedding reception was full of entertainment, and plenty of dancing and our St Kilda wedding photography and St Kilda wedding videography teams concluded the coverage shortly after the father and daughter dance. Thank you Cassandra and Michael for selecting ATEIA Photography & Video to capture your wedding day – It was such a pleasure to capture your wedding photography and wedding videography. Go Ricky!
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