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VR Experience: A Great Alternative to Photo Booths

ATEIA offers soon-to-be-wedded couples a great alternative to photo booths come wedding day: our VR Experience service! It’s a different kind of fun that you can provide to your wedding guests in place of a photo booth. With VR Experience, you can entertain your guests with unlimited virtual reality experiences which you can set up in the foyer of the wedding reception area, or inside the venue itself for everyone to watch and have a good time.

Having to replace the photo booth with a new virtual reality experience for your guests opens up a whole world of fun and amusement for everyone. For one, it’s a novel idea that would definitely encourage the guests to try it. And because it is a new experience, a lot of candid fun can be captured and experienced by all, aside from having it captured on camera! As mentioned earlier, the VR zone can be easily set up anywhere you want, whether inside the venue or in the reception area’s lobby. It really depends on your intent to provide entertainment for your guests.

Advantages of a VR Setup

A VR zone is more flexible than a photo booth. It can easily be set up anywhere in the venue. This gives you options for providing fun and amusement to your guests during the reception. It doesn’t eat up space like a photo booth, so there’s more room for everyone to meet and greet. It also doesn’t eat up so much time from the newlyweds when posing with guests in the photo booth. Actually, this photo op with the newlyweds can be arranged per table at the reception.

For entertainment value, the VR zone can be set up inside the reception area where everyone can witness the VR experiences of your guests! Our VR Experience also provides many virtual reality experiences like virtually boxing with an opponent, having a fun ride on roller coasters, simulated driving on racetracks in a sports car, and more! We offer age-specific virtual adventures where your guests can engage and virtually participate in their virtual surroundings once they wear our VR headsets!

This is the kind of fun and amusement that a photo booth can never provide. Having a VR zone definitely adds an edge to your wedding festivities!

Alternative to Photo Booth, VR Experience: A Great Alternative to Photo Booths
Alternative to Photo Booth, VR Experience: A Great Alternative to Photo Booths


ATEIA is your professional wedding photography and videography studio, ranked  No. 1 by Easy Weddings, Australia’s premier wedding marketplace. Our reputation for producing spectacular and cinematic photos and videos has endeared us to clients who are looking for the best wedding photography and videography service to cover their ceremonies in a very compelling way, without sacrificing the authenticity of the pervading sentiment during the occasion.

Having covered more than 500 weddings and counting, we now offer you the latest trend in weddings—a VR experience for your wedding guests. We strive to provide you with the best wedding packages which you can choose from without breaking the bank. We even have a wedding package which you can customise to suit your requirements and budget. Give us a call to know more about our VR Experience service, as well as our other wedding packages. Call 1300 558 446 now!


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